The Coastal Plus compensation plan is by far the
most powerful pay plan in the industry today. It amazingly gets you into
profit FAST and keeps you there!
It's called the 2-up Referral System . . . AND IT'S
POWERFUL! Your income will just explode. Here's how it works:
The first two sales you make go up to your sponsor.
They are called your training or qualifying sales. When you make the
third sale, you get the first $1000 commission. When that person makes
his first two sales, they will automatically pass up to you. That's
$2000 that was literally given to you. When those two make their first
two sales, they will be passed up to you and it just keeps growing and
it never, ever stops. The third person you sign up will create a domino
effect so powerful, that it will put more cash in your bank account than
you ever thought possible.
Once you make your third sale, just work with him/her
and he/she will do the advertising for you and help your organization
grow and therefore make your income explode!
The same thing will happen with your fourth, fifth and all direct
sales thereafter.