You'll find links here other than "house-church" subjects and deeper life subjects. Most of these are Bible based or pertaining to the faith of Jesus Christ. There are, of course, subjects other than those dealt with on this site, that have their place and importance. However, the ones pertaining to sitting at Jesus feet and a corporate experience of Him together are what I considerf to be more important subjects. In fact, Jesus said this is the one thing needful. However, here on this page there are links to other Christian sites on various other although less important subjects - still they are important. Also I do have a few links to family and friends sites some of which are not even pertaining to the faith.
Phillip & Mike at Sites Unseen. Click here or on the banner above. Again I say These guys rock!! This is THE earth's NUMURO UNO Jesus sites portal. There are 8,000 sites and counting.
The AMAZING BIBLE site is A mega-site of Bible, Christian and religious information & studies; including, audio and written KJV Bible, Bible helps & tools, churches, Doctrine, links, news,
prayer, prophecy, sermons, spiritual warfare, statistics, and tracts. Features the Chronological 4 Gospels (!!!), Prayer Book, Prophecy Bible, and a photo tour of Israel.
Various Photos�- My brother in law, Mike Passerotti put this on the web, but they're all mostly of me and my family. Some are of my daughter's wedding, some of a Christmas a couple years back. There's a shot my grandpa won a national prize for - of a boy in a cornfield - that's me!
The Passerotti Family - My sister and brother in law's family, of course. These are just some of the Passerotti family photos that I put on the web when I visited them. Sharon Passerotti used to be Sharon (my last name, which I refrain from ujsing on my site) and in the Tofstupal site, I think there are some photos of us as kids.
A Special Report- Also called "Brother's most intelligent meeting." I forget what book Brother Rob from Lacey told me he used. But he passed around a hat with papers in it 4 times that morning. Each one of us had to either come up with a noun, adverb or descriptive word concerning whatever, etc. After this it was added to an existing script and the silly result is what is on these two short web pages! My daughter Monique and her baby son (my grandson whose now 8!) Anthony are in the first picture. Funny indeed!

Welcome to Alicia's Corner - As you can see, my niece Alicia Passerotti sure has talent. I was privileged, when I visited years ago, to help her put together this small sub-site.
Peaks to Critters - Allen Sherman, a old friend of mine, who retired from the Navy about 6 months before I did, did a lot of photo scanning for me and my family. Thanks, Allen! He is an excellent photographer - as you'll see from this site. If you want a good view of the state of Washington's scenic State and National Parks, many of these shots reveal just some of the beauty nature has to offer in the state I live in. Awesome place here.

Another one of Allen's sites: the� Sherman Family�and other related family histories, facts and photos are on this site. There is actually a Sherman Family foundation behind all this. You'll also find some history of the State of Michigan where I also was born.