"It is not enough for us to pray, to teach others, to suffer, and to edify others.
No, we must eat, sleep, and carry on conversations, having in mind only obedience to God's will.
Then we will be in a state of continual sacrifice, uninterrupted love, unceasing prayer."
The Seeking Heart
- This book is a compilation of letters written by Fenelon as a Spiritual Director
to those seeking his advice in their pursuit of God. They have been grouped by subject,
and are only 1-2 pages long each. Excellent spiritual advice; deep, but not impenetrable.
Meditations on the Heart of God
- A collection of 85 letters dealing with loving God and knowing His heart.
Talking to God
- A collection of 51 letters on listening for and hearing the voice of the
Good Shepherd, from a man who strongly believed that God is a living, active presence and
voice in the life of every Christian.
The Seeking Heart is available from Seedsowers Publishing